Pôle Léonard de Vinci

De Vinci Higher Education

Report Portal

This platform enables you to report any incidents of VSS, hazing, harassment or racism that you have experienced or witnessed in a secure environment. 

Make a new report Access an existing report


You can report here the existence of behaviours or situations contrary to your school's rules and regulations and of which you experienced or witnessed.

The confidentiality of your identity will be preserved at the time of the submission of your report, as well as during the entire procedure of treatment.

Further information

Each report has its own discussion system for sending and receiving messages. These exchanges respect the choice of the authors of the report if they wish to remain anonymous.

Only some designated referents will receive the information sent via the form.

You will be able to follow up your report and communicate with the referents thanks to the confidential code generated by the platform at the time of submission.